Many sales and business professionals ask themselves questions every day.
“How do I earn the trust of my audience?”
“How can I become an effective salesperson?”
The answer? Ask your audience and customers questions. And after hearing their questions, offer a solution through your own story. Because you can earn trust through storytelling.
When is a particular story applicable for a specific type of audience?
Mike Adams joins me on this week’s episode to share the different stories we need to tell in order to effectively sell. Mike is an engineer-turned-salesman who also authored the best selling book, Seven Stories Every Salesperson Must Tell. He is currently managing a team of salespeople from different parts of the world for corporations like Schlumberger, Siemens, Nokia, and Halliburton.
In the show, we’ll go through a little discovery process together to find each story. Some of the stories may come as a surprise to you, but they are all interconnected to one another. As a matter of fact, we’ve already been practicing them. All we need is to identify the story that works for us and how to tell it.
And if you’re not a salesperson, don’t worry. Any profession needs to sell their services in some way. Mike believes that our backgrounds are not a hindrance or a limitation. After all, whether you’re an engineer, a doctor, a pilot – you can also be a salesperson. Just like our guest today, Mike Adams.
Tune in to find out how to use storytelling for sales by mastering seven different stories for your business.
In This Episode, You Will Learn
The stories you should tell versus the stories you should ask
The 7 different stories we should tell, their characters and their heroes
How prediction attempts to explain the neuroscience and psychology of storytelling
Key Quotes
“There is a high degree of luck that comes with being successful.” — Mike Adams
“It doesn’t matter what you’re selling. The thing we have in common and whoever is buying is a human being.” — Park Howell
“It’s easy to teach people who knew and think they need to learn.” — Mike Adams
“When we acknowledge good fortune in our stories, they come alive.” — Mike Adams
“In order to recognize an opportunity, one must be observant. You must be equipped with the skills, knowledge and values needed to be ready when that opportunity comes.” — Park Howell
Mentioned In This Episode
Seven Stories Every Salesperson Must Tell
The Social Media Conference in New Zealand, March 1st and 2nd, 2019
How I Built This with Guy Raz on NPR