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#1 International Bestseller
A timeless, brilliant book for everyone who seeks to lead, influence or sell.
Tony Hughes
Author Combo Prospecting, #1 b2b blogger
I, Love. This. Book!
Mike Weinberg
Author New Sales. Simplified.
Engineer turned salesperson, Mike Adams taught himself storytelling ‘on the job’ while selling and managing sales teams in the United Kingdom, Russia, India, China, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia and Australia for international corporations Schlumberger, Siemens, Nokia and Halliburton. Since 2014, Mike has been helping companies find and develop their own stories through his storytelling consulting practice.
Seven Stories takes you on a high-stakes sales journey, using stories to establish rapport and trust, deliver insight, inspire action and close the deal, and in doing so win new friends and collaborators. When you share purposeful stories in your client conversations, you’ll create more new business than you thought possible.
Sharing more than 50 stories from around the world, Mike draws on his diverse international sales career to teach and demonstrate the power of storytelling — from first hello to signed contract.
You’ll learn stories to help you:
• establish rapport and trust
• present challenging insights
• differentiate your solution
• share your company values
• unstick negotiation stand-offs
• and create better business.
This book will change the way you think about selling. Rather than seeing your role as that of a transactional deal closer, you’ll become a story master, creating new stories for your clients.
Why write the book?
The StorY
It all started when…
In 2014, Mike Adams co-founded the business consulting company Growth in Focus with Sue Findlay and David Black. Our objective, vaguely stated was to ‘solve the unprofessional mess that is the sales profession’. We tried all sorts of services; recruitment support, conversation skills training, prospecting skills training, voice tone training, sales strategy consulting and even CRM software consulting…
The results were underwhelming. A basic post service check after six months was all it took to realise that our impact had been minimal.
Then in late 2015, Mike experimented with teaching storytelling. Mike knew that he’d always told stories in his sales career and that they had persuasive power but he’d never considered teaching storytelling as a distinct service.
The results were amazing! The new follow-up checks revealed that the stories were remembered and did important work. We started hearing how stories were winning deals.
And it wasn’t just salespeople reporting success. We ran several public story workshops and many attendees were technical and service professionals. Storytelling was just as effective for them!
By September 2017, Mike realised that the only way to spread the message of storytelling for revenue growth was to write a book. A daunting thought. Mike knew enough about himself to make an irreversible commitment to the project and hired Kath Walters as his book-writing Sherpa.
Seven Stories Every Salesperson Must Tell was published in July 2018 and has achieved international best-seller status in the United States, United Kingdom and Australia.
Mike Adams has written a timelessly brilliant book for everyone who seeks to lead, influence or sell. He makes the profoundly simple point that "You’ll sell more and you’ll sell better when you tell and share purposeful stories. Mike has real world experience and has sold more than a billion dollars himself. I highly recommend this for anyone in leadership or sales regardless of their level of experience.
Tony Hughes, CEO RSVP Selling, Author: The Joshua Principle and Combo Prospecting #1 LinkedIn B2B Sales Blogger and Influencer