Video Marketing

Mike Adams on the VIDEO JUNGLE Podcast

One of the unexpected joys of writing a book is being asked to talk on some very cool radio shows. VIDEO JUNGLE is the go-to podcast for VIDEO MARKETING and is therefore a perfect match for #Storytelling. If you cannot tell your story face-to-face then video is by far the next best alternative!

Many thanks to John Antonacci, Arty Goldstein and Mark Bettencourt - the super cool guys in the photos below. And thanks again to Donald C Kelly, it was Donald's SALES EVANGELIST show that connected me to Video Jungle.

Here are the links - we discuss video, videomarketing and storytelling

iTunes Feed:

GooglePlay Feed:

Stitcher Feed:

Spotify Channel:

Episode web player from Libsyn:

Mp3 From Libsyn:

Video Jungle Splash.JPG